Saturday 3 February 2018

French classes in Khammam

New Era Public School Khammam is the latest and the coolest destination for French and other Foreign languages.The school is headed by a visionary littérateur and run by two dynamic directors with modern thinking and futuristic ideology. French teaching has always given me new thrills because French language introduced me to new people, new places and new institutions and New Era School the best among all.   

I have never confined myself to Vijayawada ever since I started Eazy Foreign languages in Vijayawada. I am a peripatetic French teacher and Eazy Foreign languages is as peripatetic as I am.   In other words my french classes moved to different places like a mobile library. My burning desire to share my knowledge and save my experience prompts me to write this blog. It has been the motive force behind hundreds of posts in six blogs of six different languages.

French classes in Khammam New Era School
Books + Teacher  + Software
A spacious classroom is dedicated to the French classes. The French books were distributed on the very first day and the classes are going methodically. The new pictorial french book is helping the students to access french vocabulary easily, besides learning grammar with the help of classroom work and practice exercises given in the book.  The Teacher trains the students involving them in  playing language games and singing. The students  are trained to perform various French role plays. performances of the students are also recorded for them to watch later.

Audio visuals are the chief attraction in the classes
French classes in  Wyra  New Little Flower School

I have written many books on different Foreign languages. On French alone I have written six books. These books are available throughout Andrapradesh. Sometimes they appear in book festivals also.I consider New Little flower  the best destination in my journey of French teaching because it has offered me another opportunity to write a new French book for children. 

Above all the students of Little flower offer me more. Their love of French and admiration for the teacher is neither easy nor common. Training such students is a great joy.

The French classes at New Little flower Wyra are going great guns.

This video of  French training session at New Little flower school tells everything about the school, its ambiance, its aim.  The director of the school Mr. Suman has a special respect for languages which creates a special milieu that works as a catalyst for the children.  The cooperative principal and  personnel is splendid. Cooperation comes unasked from the administrative head Mr. Narasimha. Naturally one wants to see what kind of impact all this.

Here is the video that shows you how the children are respond to the french training at New Little flower School in wyra.

The audio visual classrooms are congenial to the training as they consist of the advanced audio visual equipment and meet the  modern day training requirements. This is the first batch of students as time advances it brings in more sophistication and I have no doubt that these children add colors to the New little flower school in wyra.

Friday 4 March 2016

French classes in Vijayawada

Multiple Foreign languages under one roof in Vijayawada at Eazy Foreign languages Vijayawada,  near Benz Circle. French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and English. Eazy Foreign languages offers most best French training at a low price in the most practical method that enables students speak fluently. 

Type "French classes in Vijayawada"  in  Youtube and listen to he feedback of the students.

Friday 12 June 2015

French clothes

Nous apprenons le vocabulaire relatif aux vêtements         

décrivez chaque image dans vos propres mots

                                   les conseils sont donnés sous chaque image

chemise-a-carreaux rouge
il porte un jean et une chemise à carreaux rouge

Par example : il porte un blazer bleu, ceinture marron, un pantalon bleu et un béret à carreaux.

qu'est-ce que cet homme porter?
quelle est la couleur de son pantalon?
est-ce qu'il porter un blazer ou un t-shirt?

il porte un gilet felteur noir

il une chemise à rayures rouges en coton

vous voyez ici un homme d'âge moyen et un jeune homme. vous décrivez qu'est qu 'ils portent?

Eazy foreign languages in Vijayawada offers the best French training in Vijayawada. French classes with all fun and all practice. The French teacher is French language expert and a polyglot who speaks six foreign languages. He is a renowned foreign languages author and the first ever French novelist from Andhrapradesh and also from India. Eazy foreign languages offered French classes in Vijayawada to students from various parts of the Andhrapradesh. Students keep coming from other states of India as well.   you can type "French classes in Guntur" " French classes in Tenali" in youtube to find the videos of the students from these places. ultimately the performance of the student convinces you. 

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Importance of French Classes Vijayawada

French is a liquid language. It is very soft and pleasant to listen to. It is a gender specific language like Hindi and Telugu. It resembles many Indian languages in structure and French vocabulary is identical to English.

After English, French is the most learned second language and most widely spread in the world. French is spoken in the Caribbean, Europe, Canada, and parts of Africa and Asia. French is spoken in more than 100 countries. French is spoken on five different continents making French one of the most useful second language for traveling.

France has won more Nobel Prizes for literature than any other country. French Literature is admired all over the world. The Little Prince ( Le petit prince) which is translated into 250 languages has French as origin. 

French is an official language of many of the world’s organizations such as the Untied Nations, Nato, UNESCO, the International Red Cross Association, and numerous other international committees and organizations.

France has major advancements in science and technology and it has the most advanced telecommunication systems

Add French to your C.V. and take advantage of French to travel, study and work abroad.  Learn French.  Contact : Eazy Foreign Languages in Vijayawada today ph: 9700877409

 Eazy foreign languages in Vijayawada offers the best French training in Vijayawada. French classes with all fun and all practice. The French teacher is French language expert and a polyglot who speaks six foreign languages. He is a renowned foreign languages author and the first ever French novelist from Andhrapradesh and also from India. Eazy foreign languages offered French classes in Vijayawada to students from various parts of the Andhrapradesh. Students keep coming from other states of India as well.   you can type "French classes in Guntur" " French classes in Tenali" in youtube to find the videos of the students from these places. ultimately the performance of the student convinces you.